I see that NGOs and commercial businesses often operate separately, yet I'm convinced that knowledge exchange or collaboration can lead to significant positive impact. With High Noon, we focus on both target groups, applying commercial expertise to nonprofits and vice versa.
Setting up for failing fast, is setting up for success. I see so much fear to fail but innovation is about managing risk through fast failure. Finding out fast what doesn’t work enables you to move on faster to something that does work, without spending too many resources. NGO's in particular often have a risk-averse culture, they feel very responsible for being economical and achieving perfect results. This often hinders them from becoming future-proof and delivering the optimal impact with the resources they have.
Crafting an innovation guide for NGOs; uniting international experts to inspire organizations of all sizes to embark on their innovation journey.
Innovation is often seen as a costly, luxurious or optional endeavor or a tale of good times. In reality, when well-executed, innovation is both efficient and effective, contributing to growth. To succeed though, it is important to have a clear understanding of the desired goals of innovation within the organization.
I prefer not to wait for success as an end result but start with celebrating the learnings from innovation, creating a culture of development. Simply by cheering and applauding for each other along the way to success.